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Unlock knowledge with MLO Study Buddy's bundles. These bundles include multiple study tools to help you pass the exam!

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Supercharge your studying with our top-quality study products. Comprehensive materials designed to maximize your learning and exam success.

Life After Test Products


Life After Test - What to do now that you've passed

Congratulations on passing the SAFE MLO Exam! Our course is tailored for your transition into Mortgage Loan Origination, guiding you through crucial steps such as MU4 filing, resume enhancement, employer selection strategy, effective social media presence and more. Uncover insights on what employers seek and receive valuable hiring tips. In addition to your complimentary one-month TLOP Online Membership with Dustin Owen, you have the opportunity to explore TLOP Online through two exclusive membership options after the 30 days.. Annual Membership is a comprehensive package that encompasses Knowledge Coop Plus, providing access to all yearly CE's with a $360 value. This membership also includes 5 exclusive calls with top producers, 2 calls with Dustin Owen per month, as well as access to scripts, videos, and call recordings. The regular cost for the Annual Membership is $1997, but as part of your course investment, you will receive the course for $1497 and an additional 10% discount off that price.  Monthly Membership is available exclusively to MLO Study Buddy graduates. This option includes all the features of the Annual Membership, except for Knowledge Coop Plus, and is priced at $147 per month after your first month FREE. Whichever membership suits your needs, TLOP Online is committed to providing top-tier training, coaching, and business development resources to elevate your skills in the loan officer profession. Whichever membership suits your needs, TLOP Online is committed to providing top-tier training, coaching, and business development resources to elevate your skills in the loan officer profession.  Embark on this journey armed with knowledge, resources, and a supportive community.

$49.99 USD

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